Private Practice
We deal with candidates at all levels of qualification, from newly qualified to partner/and or teams and seek to place candidates in the most suitable positions available to them. We work closely with the majority of the leading 100 Law firms, Magic Circle firms, US firms, and niche firms. Although niche, our approach to recruitment has allowed us to gain ‘sole recruiter’ or ‘preferred recruiter’ status with a significant number of our clients.
Registering with Chase Portland
We believe that you should select a recruiter who you feel comfortable with and who you believe can best represent you. Our ethos is founded on transparency and to this end we have an open door policy which welcomes continual communication.
If you do use more than one consultancy, it is essential that you remain in control of your applications, i.e. where your CV is going and for what roles. It is our strict policy at Chase Portland to obtain your consent before sending your CV to any firm.
You generally only get one chance to apply to a firm so let us help you get it right and ensure that your CV is in front of the right people at the right time.
Searching for a specific role
In certain cases, our ‘no name’ enquiry approach may provide you with the most comprehensive overview of which firms are on the lookout at your PQE level and in your practice areas. Our long established contacts with the Magic Circle firms, US firms and the vast majority of the leading 200 Law firms in the UK allows us to make initial enquiries with firms that are of potential interest to you.
After speaking to Partners and respective contacts on a no name basis and providing them with an overview of your background, we can then report back to confirm which of our clients have expressed an interest in receiving a copy of your full CV.
Rather than waiting for roles to be advertised in the legal press and online let us open the door for you and secure your new job before the opening even comes onto the market.